It's amazing how when you get out of routine you drop the ball on some things - haha, kind of like this blog :) Last I posted was almost TWO months ago, opps! Well, either way I figured it was time to catch up and start back up again as I near the finish line of this pregnancy.
Since writing last, we spent two and a half weeks on the west coast, enjoying a brief visit in Tacoma and the remainder of our time with my family in Vancouver. It was so wonderful to see family and friends, and show off my growing baby bump. I was also blessed beyond measure by being the guest of honor at multiple baby showers!
In Tacoma, friends and women from the community there that we had been a part of for three years surrounded me with words of life, encouragement and advice to remember as I'd enter "mommyhood" - many laced with a newfound understanding of learning to listen to the Lord in the everyday and giving myself a lot of grace! It was such a treasure to be reunited with many faces I hadn't seen in a while.
In Vancouver, people from all different spheres of life made it to celebrate Baby Mal - Elementary and High School, church, relatives, ministry supporters, and women I had worked with. As always it's so fun to have so many different people in one room! Here we had incredible food, fun painting onesies, and our baby boy was gifted enough clothes to last him until he's two!
Also on this trip home I got to say goodbye to the house I grew up in as my parents were moving to a new place just across town. It was fun getting to see the new house and picturing what it would be like when we're bring Baby Mal for a visit next time.
Since May 1st we have been back in Kona, plugging away on campus preparing our outreach teams and catch up on work from our time away. It was strange to come back here not have another travel date planned or scheduled! Now we're just waiting for our baby!!
I'm now 36 weeks along (almost there!!). We've been taking birthing classes, have his room set up, car seat ready and are just waiting for when our little guy with decide to join us. It's wild to think that very soon we will be parents - so right now Graham and I are enjoying date nights, swims in the pool, movies, etc and treasuring our last month as just the two of us before we are an official family :)