12 weeks! |
I've taken on a return to running. Now, even before I was pregnant I wasn't really a super runner or anything, but I decided just shortly after giving birth that I would set a goal to run a 5K before the end of the year. Ok, I know 5K (or 3 miles) really isn't that far, but come on people, I just had a baby! :) I found this fun training program online called "Couch to 5K" that literally sets out a plan for even a lazy couch potato to learn to run 3 miles (without stopping) in just two months. So I'm on week #2, with a goal to do my first run on November 24th (American Thanksgiving) in a free Peaman Event called the "Wobble & Gobble Run" here in Kona. Who knows, maybe I'll catch the runner's bug and my next goal will be a half marathon :) Either way I figured blogging about this upcoming 5K would at least help hold me accountable!
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